Alert Policy


Alerts are placed so we may be aware of an issue, concern, request or needed information for that particular client.

Additional Authority:

Denise Nunez, Medical Director

M. Chantel O'Brien, Office Manager

Responsible Party:

Medical Assistants


l. Policy Statement

Any patient that we need information or has certain needed concerns/issues we place an alert so we communicate with all in office.

ll. Procedure of Alert

  • Alerts are placed due to information needed or a preference of client and so forth. When alerts are placed for need information, it is the task of the front desk to obtain information and address alert by removing it.
  • If an alert is placed with a concern/issue, Staff should read and follow directions of alert.
  • If an alert is placed with a questions or to obtain info we cannot obtain. Employees should place a response to said alert with the date and their initials. This allows proper communication within office.
  • All alerts should be removed once addressed so it does not cause confusion and allows the managerial team to see that they are being acknowledged.
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